Where to Electrify Natural Gas Compression
Natural gas compressor stations present some of the largest electrification opportunities you’ve never heard of. Completely electrifying all natural gas compressors in the country would generate $3 billion in new utility revenue, provide 12 to 15 gigawatts in flexible load, and eliminate 70 million MT CO2e in fugitive methane emissions. But where can utilities electrify natural gas?

Station details
Based on data from the Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data project, Xergy’s natural gas compressor station tools help identify where some of the largest electrification opportunities lie. Existing electric compressor stations are shown in blue, with gas and mixed-fuel stations shown in orange and green. Click each station to reveal further information on its location, capacity, and operating company. Data only pertains to interstate pipelines, although some states such as Texas contain significant interstate transmission as well.
Regional Maps
For convenience, we provide the following interactive maps specific to key gas-producing regions.
Other Resources
Case Studies
- Gas compressor station electrification for rural electric cooperatives
- Rural electrification C&I case studies